Black Diamond Blackberry

Latin Name: Rubus spp.
Site and Soil: Blackberries like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Pollination Requirements: Blackberries are self-fertile.
Hardiness: Blackberries are hardy to minus 10º F.
Bearing Age: 1-2 years after planting.
Size at Maturity: 6 ft. in height on trellis.
Bloom Time: April
Ripening Time: late July
Yield: 10-15 lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Blackberries do not suffer from significant pest or disease problems.
USDA Zone: 6

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A new thornless selection with the wonderful flavor of the Marionberry, but with slightly increased cold hardiness and a larger, firmer berry! Vines are very productive, disease resistant and easy to grow and bear for several weeks in late July and August. A new winner for the backyard connoisseur. The berries tend to be uniform in shape, have small seeds, and a milder flavor than other varietals.  This variety is often recommended for home gardens.